
Undergraduate Committee (2015-2019) and Internship Mentor.

Undergraduate program director (2019-2023):

As the undergraduate program director of the Earth and Environment Department, I oversaw all 7 programs and 3 minors, and am serving in the committee of certificate programs. I also led the below university initiatives in my department:

  1. The Curriculum Enhancement Project (CEP) is designed to ensure that all undergraduate curricula in the College of Arts, Science and Education are effective, efficient and meet current standards of each discipline, thereby supporting student success maximally. The project consists of a sequence of five tasks that include the identification of Student Learning Goals (SLG) and Core Student Learning Outcomes (CSLO), curriculum review and mapping and the development and implementation of curriculum enhancement strategies.
  2. Creates guidelines for the change of major process into their majors (specific courses, grades, markers, milestones that would make a student more successful in different program). These guidelines will be used by outside advisors or redirection specialists helping students select an appropriate prospective major.
  3. Created guidelines established for students wanting to switch into a major within the time frames.       
  4. Exit Exam Survey and Program Outcomes (POs) for all the programs.
  5. Advising and Mentorship.
  6. Internship Placement and MOUs.
  7. Department by-laws ad-hoc committee.

Co-Director of Global Sustainable Tourism Program

An interdisciplinary collaboration between Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management and Department of Earth and Environment of the College of Arts, Science and Education and features a blended curriculum composed of the most-relevant existing courses from each department as well as a host of new courses specifically designed for the degree.

CASE Internship Advisor/Liaison (2022-present):

Working closely with the CASE Undergraduate Dean to create better internship procedure, documents, placement, and reporting for the students.

Graduate committee (2023-present)

Carbon Footprint Reduction Committee (2019-2020): College of Arts, Sciences, and Education.

Interim Chair of HR (2024, Fall)

As a chair of the HR, I am primarily responsible for hiring,3rd year review, tenure, promotion of the faculty at E&E.