
Dr. Khoddamzadeh’s Conservation and Sustainable (C&S) Horticulture Lab focuses on integrating practical, science-based solutions with stakeholder needs to address challenges related to abiotic stressors, species endangerment, adaptation, and environmental pollution.

This multidisciplinary research encompasses:

a) Seed technology, mycorrhizal fungi in urban environments, and in-vitro propagation (tissue culture);
b) Gene banking (cryopreservation) and synthetic seed production;
c) Applications of optical sensor technology for monitoring fertilizers, water usage, and abiotic stressors, such as salinity and heat, affecting plant health in horticultural crops.

These research areas are critical for informing best management practices in botanic gardens, gene banks, the private sector, and the nursery production industry. The C&S Lab is also designated as a Trimble Technology Lab (TTL).

Rare Florida “night orchids” could be saved by common fruits

Read more on Nitrogen Management and Plant Quality Monitoring Using Optical Sensor Technology in Native and Non-Native Specialty Crops and Scientists manage fertilizers to reduce environmental issues and Dr. Horticulture iPhone App

Read more on Regenerative Agriculture: Effects of Cover Crop and Mycorrhizal Inoculation on Salt Stress Mitigation in Floridian Tomato Cultivars.

Read more on Student works to save endangered orchids with friendly fungi

Read more on Professor developing new tool for plant parents and Scientists manage fertilizers to reduce environmental issues

Read more on the NSF project on Image processing platform to identify photosynthetic pigment density to measure nitrogen content and manage fertilizer (Smart Sustainable Fertilizer Manager).

Selected Publications

View Dr. Khoddamzadeh’s publications on Google Scholar

View Dr. Khoddamzadeh’s ORCID Page

  1. Fagundes, D.P., Costa, J.S., Dias, L.L.L., de Araujo, C.P., Simões, I.M., Cade, E.S., Zanardo, T.É.C., Péres, M.Z., de Mello, T., Schmildt, E.R. and Khoddamzadeh, A.A., 2025. Adult cell reprogramming in Euterpe edulis Martius: breakthrough in cloning of an endangered species. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC)160(2), pp.1-14.
  2. Souza Costa, B. and Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2025. Data-Driven Nitrogen Application for Satinleaf: Leveraging Optical Sensors in Urban Landscape Management. Frontiers in Plant Science. Technical Advances in Plant Science. Special Issue: Optimizing Fertilizer and Irrigation for Specialty Crops Using Precision Agriculture Technologies. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2025.1522662
  3. Costa, J. S., Tamyris de Mello., T. D; Fagundes, D. P., Silva, T. D., Araujo C. P. D.,  Simões, I. M., Almeida, M. R. D., Cade, E. S., Fraga de Assis, J. P. V., Schmildt, E. R., Otoni, E. C., Khoddamzadeh, A.A., Santa-Catarina, C. and Alexandre, R. S. 2024. Spermidine promotes embryogenic competence and histodifferentiation of somatic embryos during maturation of Euterpe edulis Martius, an endangered Atlantic Forest species. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant.
  4. Souza Costa, B., Munoz Salas, M., Gil, K and Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2024. Effect of Silicon Amendment on Growth and Nitrogen Status of Common Landscaping Plants. Special Issue: Plant Growth and Nutrition. American Journal of Plant Sciences. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 15, 603-616. 10.4236/ajps.2024.158041 
  5. Kaviani, B., Deltalab, B., Kulus, D., Khoddamzadeh, A.A. and Roque-Borda, C.A. 2024. In Vitro Shoot Multiplication and Rooting of ‘Kashan’ and ‘Hervy Azerbaijan’ Damask Rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) Genotypes for Cosmetic and Ornamental Applications. Plants. 2024; 13(10):1364.
  6. Khoddamzadeh, A.A, Flores, J., Griffith, P and Souza Costa, B. N. 2023. Climate change adaptation and saltwater intrusion ecophysiological effects on Pseudophoenix sargentii, Roystonea regia, Sabal palmetto ‘lisa’, and Thrinax radiata in South Florida. Special Issue “Environmental Threats to the State of Florida-Climate Change and Beyond: Volume II”. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Sec. Biogeography and Macroecology
  7. Nora, F., Anghelescu, E., Vafaee, Y., Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2023. Micropropagation of Dactylorhiza umbrosa (Kar. & Kir.) Nevski through asymbiotic seed germination and somatic embryogenesis: A promising tool for conservation of rare terrestrial orchids. South African Journal of Botany. 159, 492-506.
  8. Khoddamzadeh, A.A and Souza Costa, B.N. 2023. Best Nitrogen Management Practices Using Sensor-Based Smart Agriculture in Nursery Production of Cacao. Horticulturae. 9, 454. horticulturae9040454
  9. Costa, B.N, Tucker, D.A, and Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2023. Precision Horticulture: Application of Optical Sensor Technology for Nitrogen Monitoring Status in Cocoplum, a Native Landscaping Plant. Special Issue “Precision Nutrient Management for Climate-Smart Agriculture”. Plants. 12, 760.
  10. Khoddamzadeh, A.A and Dunn, B.L. 2022. Embryo Rescue via Artificial Seed Technique and Long-Term Preservation of Zephyranthes. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 13, 1347-1359. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2022.1311091.
  11. Mullin, A., Downing, J. Souza Costa, B and Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2022. In-Vitro Micropropagation and acclimatization of endangered native orchids. HortScience 57(9):1159–1166.
  12. Balilashaki, K., Vahedi, M., Ho, TT., Niu, SC., Cardoso, J.S., Zotz, G and Khodamzadeh, A.A. 2022. Biochemical, cellular and molecular aspects of Cymbidium orchids: an ecological and economic overview. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 44, 24.
  13. De Stefano, D., Souza Costa, B., Downing, J., Fallahi, E and Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2022. In-Vitro Micropropagation and Acclimatization of an Endangered Native Orchid Using Organic Supplements. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 13, 380-393.
  14. Kaviani, B., Almasi, A., Sedaghathoor, S. and Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2021. A protocol for fast in vitro propagation of Impatiens hawkeri Bull. cv. Sweeties Blue Star, an important ornamental-cover species. Rodriguésia. 72: doi: 10.1590/2175-7860202172053.
  15. Fallahi, E., Khoddamzadeh, A.A., Fallahi, B. and Mahdavi, S. 2020. Branched Secondary Alcohol Ethoxylate, Ammonium Thiosulfate, Calcium polysulfides- thiosulfate, and Fish Oil Effects on Blossom Thinning, Fruit Set and Quality of Peaches and Nectarines. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 11, 1918-1933. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2020.1112137.
  16.  Balilashaki, K., Moradi, S., Vahedi, M. and Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2020. A molecular perspective on orchid development. The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 10.1080/14620316.2020.1727782
  17. Freidenreich, A., Barraza, G., Jayachandran, K. and Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2019. Precision Agriculture Application for Sustainable Nitrogen Management of Justicia brandegeana Using Optical Sensor Technology. Agriculture. 9 (5), 98;  
  18. Vendrame, W and Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2016. Orchid Biotechnology. Jules Janick (Ed.), Horticultural Reviews, Volume 44 (pp. 173-228).
  19. Khoddamzadeh, A.A. and Dunn, B.L. 2016. Application of canopy sensors for nitrogen assessment management in chrysanthemum. HortScience. 51 (7): 915-920.
  20. Dunn, B.L., Shrestha, A., Goad, C. and Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2015. Use of optical sensors to assess Gaillardia Foug. nitrogen status. Journal of Applied Horticulture. 17 (3): 181-185.
  21. Khoddamzadeh, A.A., Sinniah, U.R., Lynch, P., Kadir, M.A., Kadzimin, S.B. and Maziah, M. 2011. Cryopreservation of Protocorm-Like Bodies (PLBs) of Phalaenopsis bellina (Rchb.f.) Christenson by Encapsulation-Dehydration. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture. 107 (3): 471-481.
  22. Khoddamzadeh, A.A., Sinniah, U.R., Kadir, M.A., Kadzimin, S.B and Maziah, M. 2011. In- vitro Induction and Proliferation of Protocorm-Like Bodies (PLBs) from Leaf Segments of Phalaenopsis bellina (Rchb.f.) Christenson. Plant Growth Regulation. 65 (2): 381-387. 
  23. James Antony, J.J., Sinniah, U.R., Ceong, C.L., Pobathy, R., Khoddamzadeh, A.A. and Sreeramanan, S. 2011. Selected potential encapsulation – dehydration parameters on Dendrobium Bobby Messina protocorm – like bodies using TTC analysis. Australian Journal of Crop Sciences. 5 (13): 1817-1822.  
  24. Sreeramanan, S., Sinniah, U.R., Khoddamzadeh, A.A., Periasamy, S. and James, J. 2011. Fundamental concept of cryopreservation using Dendrobium sonia-17 protocorm-like bodies by encapsulation-dehydration technique. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10 (19): 3902-3907.  
  25. Khoddamzadeh, A.A., Sinniah, U.R., Kadir, M.A., Kadzimin, S.B. and Maziah, M. 2011. Synthetic Seed Production: Establishment of a Short-term Storage Method via Encapsulation of PLBs in Phalaenopsis bellina (Rchb.f.) Christenson. Seed Science and Technology. 39 (3): 697-702.  
  26. Zainudin, M., Julkifle, A.L., Pobathy, R., Sinniah, U.R., Khoddamzadeh, A.A., James Antony, J.J. and Sreeramanan, S. 2011. Preliminary analysis on cryopreservation of Dendrobium/ Bobby Messina orchid using an encapsulation-dehydration technique with Evans blue assay. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10 (56): 11870-11878.
  27. Khoddamzadeh A.A, Sinniah U.R, Kadir M.A, Kadzimin S.B, Maziah, M. and Sreeramanan, S. 2010. Detection of Somaclonal Variation by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis During Micropropagation of Phalaenopsis bellina (Rchb.f.) Christenson. African Journal of Biotechnology. 4 (90): 6632-6639.
  28. Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2007. Production technology of industrial and engine lubricant based on plants base oil. BOC Magazine, May-Jun. p17-21.
  29. Khoddamzadeh, A.A. 2006. Soy Milk. Agriculture and Stable Extension Journal, Sep-Oct. p 17-21.