Internship Search Strategies

Starting Your Internship Search

No one Web site has every internship possibility.  It will take time, research, and organization to find the opportunity that is best suited to propel you forward in your academic and professional pursuits.

Your First  Step

  1. Request a personalized consultation with LACC.  Our Internship Consultation Program is built to give you one-on-one assistance in researching internship possibilities pertaining to Latin American & The Caribbean.  Who wouldn’t want a personal advocate on their side while on the hunt for an internship?  If you haven’t already done so, click here to request your consultation. 

Internships Databases

  1. FIU Panther JOBLink
  2. AIESEC Global Talent International Internships
  3. MSU Global Edge
  4. Idealist
  5. CHI NextOpp
  6. Brown University: Internships about Latin America
  7. Brown University: Internships in Latin America
  8. Duke University Latin American Internships
  9. Boston University Latin American Internships

FIU Internship Search Tools

Prepare To Apply!

You’re Hired: Make the Most of Your Experience

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING UNPAID INTERNSHIPS AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (provided for informational purposes only.  link is to external site and FIU does not claim responsibility for the accuracy of content).