

Argonne National Laboratory

  • Develop an implementation of OpenMP loop transformations in the MLIR OpenMP dialect and the OpenMPIRBuilder to support tile, unroll, and future loop transformation directives, enabling more efficient execution of machine learning and data science workloads.
  • Extend MLIR’s OpenMP dialect with operations like those in MLIR’s transform dialect, following OpenMP’s semantics, to enable machine learning and data science applications to take advantage of these optimizations.
  • Contribute to the development of the LLVM Fortran compiler, gaining valuable experience in software engineering and performance optimization for machine learning and data science


Cyber-Physical Systems Security Lab (CSL)

  • Conduct applied research at the intersection of cybersecurity and networking, focusing on the security of cyber-physical systems, critical infrastructure networks, malware, wireless and mobile devices, and big data.
  • Apply machine learning and big data analytics methods to analyze and model security data and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to publish research findings and present them to academic and industry audiences.


Applied Mathematics Research Program (REU)

  • Designed an optimal asset trading strategy using time series analysis along with Reinforcement Learning with PPO stochastic gradient optimization.

Grandview Properties

  • Calculate a budget, manage cash flow, and forecast plan for each property using Excel, lead to a $40,000 revenue increase within a year of implementation.
  • Automated valuation models in a Neural Network and time series forecasting