I am a marine spatial ecologist, focusing my research on the restoration and resilience of marine habitats and faunal responses to multi-scale habitat characteristics. Research interests center on the application of landscape ecology concepts in marine ecosystems to study the influence of spatial structure and habitat heterogeneity on the patterning of marine communities, and species interactions, distribution, and movement. My current work uses a combination of modelling and quantitative methods that integrate multiple catch and environmental datasets to identify the underlying drivers of bonefish dynamics in Florida Bay.
I currently teach the following courses:
PCB 5423, Advanced Ecology: Populations and Communities (co-taught with J. Trexler)
I currently advise 1 post doctoral fellow and 2 graduate students. Here are details on the students:
William Ryan James, Ph.D. Biology. Post Doctoral fellow.
Nicolas Rivas, Ph.D. Biology. Assessing reef fish communities before and after coral restoration in Puerto Rico using baited remote underwater video (BRUVS).
Lauren Kabat, MS. Biology. Determining shrimp movement in Luquillo, Puerto Rico.