“^” Indicates student co-author

Schantz, A. D.^, Bruk-Lee, V. (2016). Workplace social stressors, drug-alcohol-tobacco use, and coping strategies. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/15555240.2016.1213638

Nixon, A.E., Bruk-Lee, V., & Spector, P.E. (2016). Grin and bear it?: Employees’ use of surface acting during coworker conflict. Stress & Health. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/smi.2689

Manapragada, A.^, & Bruk-Lee, V. (2016). Staying Silent About Safety Issues: Conceptualizing and measuring safety silence motives. Accident Analysis and Prevention.

Bruk-Lee, V., Lanz, J.^, Drew, E.N.^, Coughlin, C., Levine, P., Tuzinski, K., & Wrenn, K. (2016). Examining Applicant Reactions to Different Media Types in Character-Based Simulations for Employee Selection. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 24, 77-91.

Bruk-Lee, V., Albert, D. & Stone, K.L (2016). Lactation and the working woman: Understanding the role of organizational factors, lactations support, and legal policy in promoting breastfeeding success. In C. Spitzmueller & R.A. Matthews (eds.). Work and the Transition to Motherhood: Research Perspectives. New York: Springer.

Sanderson, K.^, Bruk-Lee, V., Viswesvaran, C., Gutierrez, S., & Kantrowitz, T. (2016). Investigating the Nomological Network of Multitasking Ability in a Field Sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 91, 52-57.

Bloom, R., Freeman, L., Bruk-Lee, V., Hayward, Jerilyn, Roland, D. (2016). Workplace health and well-being: Advancing SIOP’s Roles and Practitioner Opportunities. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 53, 33-38.

Nixon, A.E., Lanz, J.^, Manapragada, A.^, Bruk-Lee, V., Schantz, A.^, & Rodriguez, J.^ (2015). Nurse safety: How is safety climate related to affect and attitude? Work & Stress, 29, 401-419.

Mesmer-Magnus, J., Viswesvaran, C., Bruk-Lee, V., Sanderson, K., & Sinha, N. (2014). Personality correlates of preference for multitasking in the workplace. Journal of Organizational Psychology,14, 67-76.

Bruk-Lee, V., Nixon, A.E., & Spector, P.E. (2013). Social stressors at work and employee well-being: Does the type of conflict matter? Work & Stress, 27, 339-350. doi: 10.1080/02678373.2013.841303.

Bruk-Lee, V., Drew, E., & Hawkes, B. (2013). Candidate reactions to simulations and media rich assessments in employee selection. In M.S. Fetzer & K. Tuzinski (eds.) Simulations for Employee Selection (pp. 46-60). New York: Springer.

Sanderson, K.^, Bruk-Lee, V., Viswesvaran, C., Gutierrez, S., & Kantrowitz, T. (2013). Multitasking: Do preference and ability interact to predict performance at work? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86, 556-563. doi:10.1111/joop.12025

Bruk-Lee, V., & Spector, P.E. (2011). Interpersonal conflict and stress at work: Implications for employee health and well-being. In A.M. Rossi, P. Perrewé, J.A. Meurs (eds.) Stress and Quality of Working Life: Coping with and Preventing Social Stress (pp. 3-22). Editora Atlanta S.A.

Bruk-Lee, V., Khoury, H., Nixon, A., Goh, A., & Spector, P.E. (2009). Replicating and extending past personality/job satisfaction meta-analyses. Human Performance, 22, 156-189.

Spector, P.E., & Bruk-Lee, V. (2007). Conflict, health, and well-being. In C.K.W. De Dreu & M.J. Gelfand (eds.) The Psychology of Conflict and Conflict Management in Organization (pp. 267-288). SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series, New York: Erlbaum.

Bruk-Lee, V. (2007). Conflict at work. In Rogelberg, S. G. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of industrial and organizational psychology (pp. 94-97).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bruk-Lee, V. (2007). Conflict Management. In Rogelberg, S. G. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of industrial and organizational psychology (pp. 97-99). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Bruk-Lee, V., & Spector, P.E. (2006). The social stressors-counterproductive work behaviors link: Are conflicts with supervisors and coworkers the same? Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11, 145-156.

Connell, P., Bruk-Lee, V., & Spector P. E. (2004). Job stress assessment methods. In J. C. & M. Hersen (Eds.). Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment, Volume 4: I/O assessment (pp. 455-469). New York: John Wiley.