Monuments have been in the news and on my mind for some time. I recently wrote a guest post on Aesthetics for Birds on tearing down racist monuments. I also have an article forthcoming in The Philosopher’s Magazine on putting these monuments in a monument graveyard.
This Friday I am excited to host a panel discussion at the American Society for Aesthetics called “Monuments.” This panel was inspired by an interview I heard with Dr. Michele Moody-Adams (Professor of Political Philosophy and Legal Theory at Columbia University) on the UNMUTE podcast.
Our panel will features two artists and two philosophers. Artist, writer, and museum professional Shaun Slifer will be presenting his work on historical markers. Artist Sandow Birk will also present some of his work on imaginary monuments. Dr. Moody-Adams talk is entitled, “Why Monuments Still Matter,” and we will have a presentation from Dr. Gary Shapiro, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Richmond. His talk is titled, “Report from Richmond: Public Art, National Trauma, Being with the Dead.”
I can’t wait for this panel – it was organized well before protestors around the world this summer toppled monuments so it feels more relevant than ever. Information about the conference can be found here.
If this is a topic you are interested in, might I suggest two additional resources:
All Monuments Must Fall: A Collaboratively Produced Syllabus